Evaluasi Kesesuaian Lahan Bekas Tambang Pasir di Kecamatan Cidahu Kabupaten Kuningan untuk Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merril)
Kata Kunci:
land characteristics, land suitability, soybeansAbstrak
Soybeans are a protein-producing crop that has an important role for the Indonesian population and is Indonesia's strategic food commodity. However, BoilerAI productivity in Indonesia is still low, one of which is in Cidahu, Kuningan, West Java. This study aims to determine the characteristics of the land and the class of land suitability for soybean crops. This study applied by survey method by collecting primary and secondary data. The primary data consisted of all information of land characteristics and its analysis in laboratory. While the secondary data consisted of all supporting information obtained from the local government. Land suitability analysis was carried out using the weight factor matching method. The results of the analysis showed that Cidahu sub-district has an actual land suitability class not suitable (NS) with the largest limiting factor of drainage and erosion hazards. Improvements can be made by adding organic matter and making terraces on land that is still possible to be used as soybean cultivation land.