Implementation of PPKn Learning in Building a Tolerant and Responsible Digital Society to Prevent Bullying


  • Vanessa Viona Faustine Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Hendri Nuryadi Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Triana Rejekiningsih Universitas Sebelas Maret


PPKn Learning, Tolerant, Responsible


Technological advances make human activities more practical and the spread of information faster. The main challenge in building a tolerant and responsible digital society is the increasing spread of false information (hoaxes) and irresponsible and intolerant behavior on social media. This not only damages the order of social life but also raises serious challenges, such as increasing cases of bullying and other negative behavior. Therefore, education and internalization of Pancasila values in the use of digital technology are very important. One of them is through the implementation of PPKn learning. The purpose of this study is to reveal the implementation of PPKn learning in building a tolerant and responsible digital society life to prevent bullying. This study uses a type of research, namely library research or literature. The results of the study show that the implementation of PPKn learning in building a tolerant and responsible digital society life to prevent bullying can be done in two ways, namely the formation of citizenship character through direct teaching and indirect teaching. Tolerant and responsible attitudes in digital society through PPKn learning to prevent bullying that can be done, namely 1) Tolerant attitudes emphasize the importance of just and civilized human values including respect for the rights of others. 2) Responsible attitudes teach that every citizen has an obligation to maintain social harmony, including in the digital world. The role of PPKn teachers in implementing learning is not only to instill knowledge, but also attitudes that encourage students to respect differences and act responsibly in the digital world. Meanwhile, the government must be active in providing support through policies, programs, and regulations that can strengthen character education in the digital world.


