Analysis of the Importance of Pancasila Education in Increasing Civic Disposition in Students at MIM Godog


  • Febriana Wati Fikriyah Sebelas Maret University
  • Triyanto Sebelas Maret University


This study aims to investigate the important function of Pancasila Education in fostering Civic Disposition among learners at MI Muhammadiyah Godog. A qualitative methodology was adopted for this study, employing data gathering methods such as detailed interviews with second-grade instructors charged with delivering Pancasila Education, along with a comprehensive literature review of pertinent scholarly articles. The results of the research demonstrate that Pancasila Education is vital in nurturing feelings of patriotism, respect for others, and civic engagement among students. In addition, the application of the Merdeka curriculum presents avenues for a more successful enhancement of Civic Disposition. The study’s conclusion indicates that Pancasila Education is crucial not only for developing the ethical character of students but also for reinforcing their national identity as citizens. The research suggests that educational institutions should persist in embedding Pancasila principles throughout various educational disciplines and extracurricular programs, while actively involving parents and the wider community in the educational endeavor to cultivate an atmosphere conducive to the growth of Civic Disposition. It is hoped that this approach will lead to students achieving academic success while also fostering a deep social consciousness and the capability to make significant contributions to both society and the nation


