Strengthening Character Education as an Effort to Increase the Profile of Pancasila Students Through Pancasila Education Subjects
Pancasila Student Profile, Pancasila Education, Character EducationAbstract
The Pancasila student profile is the character and competency that Indonesian students must have both when learning and when entering society. Through the application of the 6 dimensions of the Pancasila student profile, namely faith and devotion to God Almighty, global diversity, independence, mutual cooperation, critical reasoning and creativity, it is hoped that the Indonesian nation will become intelligent and characterized individuals and be able to face challenges in the current digital era and of course, instilling the values contained in Pancasila as our country's philosophy consistently and ultimately being able to realize a prosperous and dignified national life as one of the mandates of the 1945 Constitution. This article aims to discuss strengthening the profile of Pancasila students as an effort to improve character education to create a Pancasila student profile through Pancasila Education subjects. Data collection using library research. The results of the discussion were able to prove that strengthening the character education of Pancasila student profiles through Pancasila Education subjects and supporting and inhibiting factors in strengthening character education through Pancasila Education subjects