SEM Analysis on Determinant Aspects: Strengthening Social Cohesion through Holistic Learning


  • Euis Tresna Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Nurhartati Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Sukro Muhab Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Jaja Jamaludin Universitas Bosowa


Social Cohesion, Holistic Curriculum, Holistic Learning, SEM Analysis


Social cohesion is an important goal in education to create a harmonious and integrated society. One approach that is considered to have the potential to strengthen social cohesion is holistic learning. This article aims to analyze the determinant aspects of holistic learning that contribute to strengthening social cohesion through the use of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of AMOS software. This research uses a survey method by collecting data from Bakti Mulya 400 High School 263 students who take part in holistic learning programs in several schools. Survey instruments were developed to measure various aspects of the determinants of holistic learning, such as holistic curriculum, participatory teaching methods, the role of educators, and school environmental support. The collected data was then analyzed using AMOS SEM software to test the relationship between the determined variables. The model proposed in this research examines how holistic learning determinant variables influence students' social cohesion as an outcome variable. The results of the analysis show that holistic learning has a significant positive effect on strengthening social cohesion. Holistic curriculum and participatory teaching methods have a positive relationship with social cohesion, indicating that the inclusiveness of learning materials and active participation of students in the learning process supports the formation of strong social bonds. Furthermore, the role of educators is also proven to be significant in forming students' social cohesion. Educators' empathetic, student-oriented approach contributes to a positive and inclusive classroom climate, which in turn influences students' social interactions inside and outside the classroom. Apart from that, the support of the school environment also has a positive impact on students' social cohesion. Collaboration between schools, families and communities creates opportunities for students to better understand their role in wider society and encourages mutual care and empathy. The findings of this research describe equation modeling (SEM) analysis using AMOS software to identify aspects of holistic learning determinants that contribute to strengthening social cohesion. Goodness of Fit is chi square = 105 Probability Significance = 0.05; GFI=0.94; AGFI=0.91; Finance=0.95; TLI=0.96; NFI=0.89; CMIN/DF=1.35; RMSEA=0.051; RMR=0.02 The results of the analysis show that a holistic learning approach has an important role in building students' social cohesion. The implications of this research can provide a basis for educators and policy makers to design holistic learning programs that are more effective in achieving the goal of strengthening social cohesion in the educational environment.


