Microblog-Based PPKn Learning Media to Improve Citizenship Knowledge


  • Slamet Ginanjar Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Triyanto Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Triana Rejekiningsih Universitas Sebelas Maret


PPKn Learning, ASSURE, Microblog, Instagram, Learning Media, Citizenship Knowledge


This research explains three formulated problems, namely: [1] how to develop PPKn learning media based on microblogs, [2] the effectiveness of microblog learning media, and [3] the suitability of microblogs as a learning medium. The competency basis used in the development process is KD 3.6, which involves identifying the driving and inhibiting factors for unity and oneness of the nation in the unitary state of the Republic of Indonesia.The method used in this study is a development study (RnD) with the ASSURE model, which includes the following steps: Analyze learner characteristics, State standards and objectives, Select methods, media, and materials, Utilize materials, Require learner participation, and Evaluate and revise. The types of data used are qualitative and quantitative. Data sources for this study include PPKn teachers at MA An-Nawawiyah Jepara, expert lecturers from FKIP UNS, and students. The results of this research are as follows: [1] Successful development of PPKn learning media based on microblogs using the Instagram application with the ASSURE model. [2] The effectiveness of the learning media received a score of 44.30 (sufficiently effective). [3] The suitability level of the learning media, as assessed by media experts, scored 98 (very worthy) for learning aspects, 94 (very decent) for student engagement, and 97 (very worthy) for appearance aspects, indicating that the media is suitable for use in educational settings.


