Learning Strategy for Pancasila Education in Responding to the Money Politics Phenomena in the 2024 Elections


  • Cinthia Nilawati Universitas Sebelas Maret

Kata Kunci:

Politics Education, Election, Democracy


Elections are a means for the community to determine potential leaders in the region and determine the direction of the policies set by these leaders. According to Undang-Undang No. 07 of 2017 concerning Pemilihan Umum, the principles in elections consist of direct, public, free, secret, honest and fair. Civics education is one of the main agents in building democratic character in students through political education. Education has the aim of developing capabilities and forming dignified national character and civilization in the context of educating the life of the nation, aims to develop the potential of students to become human beings who believe and fear God Almighty, have noble character, are healthy, knowledgeable, capable, creative, independent, and become citizens of a democratic and responsible. The data collection method used in this research is by using interviews and literature study. Researchers examined the importance of political education through Civics subjects in order to provide students with an understanding of democratic values. Through this political education students can implement the lessons learned through real practice, namely elections. The rise of money politics in Indonesia is no longer a foreign phenomenon for the Indonesian people, even though the impact caused by money politics greatly affects the country in the long term, so that public awareness is needed in determining policies where these policies bring prosperity to a nation.

