Need Analysis for Development of Card Sort Media to Improve Elementary School Students' Procedure Text Writing Skills
Kata Kunci:
Needs Analysis, Media Card Sort, Writing skills, Procedure TextAbstrak
This research aims to 1) obtain information regarding the use of media in Indonesian language lessons regarding procedural text material; 2) obtain the obstacles and views of teachers and students in learning procedural texts; and 3) designing and creating learning media that needs to be developed in Indonesian language lessons as procedural text material. The subjects of this research are class teachers and students of class 4 at SD Negeri Dagangan District. Information and data collection techniques in the form of observation, interview and documentation guidelines. The analysis technique used is qualitative descriptive analysis. Preliminary findings conclude that 1) The use of learning media in Indonesian language lessons regarding procedure text material has so far been non-existent, resulting in low student interest. 2) Limited use of learning media to support independent learning. 3) Students' procedural text writing skills are low, the teacher said that many students are not yet able to write procedural texts according to the procedure text writing structure. 4) The learning media that needs to be developed in learning procedural texts is card sort media with regional gastronomic content to improve the procedural text writing skills of elementary school students.