Strategy of Character Education to Increase the Nationalism and Patriotism of Students through Civics Learning at SMA Negeri 1 Ketanggungan, Brebes


  • Mashudi

Kata Kunci:

Strategy, Character Education, Nationalism and Patriotism


Nowadays, nationalism and patriotism are eroding, fading and being replaced by new ideologies as the times develop. Because of the erosion of Nationalism and Patriotism, it needs to be raised through various activities. One of them is through instilling the value of Nationalism and Patriotism in education. Education-based Nationalism and Patriotism is a way out in the process of improving the nation and state of Indonesia. Therefore, to avoid the fading/ disappearing attitude of Nationalism and Patriotism in the school environment, the researcher took the title Character Education Strategy to Improve the Attitude of Nationalism and Patriotism of Students Through Civics Learning at SMA Negeri 1 Ketangungan, Brebes. This study generally aims to understand the efforts of Civics teachers in instilling the value of Nationalism and Patriotism to their students in learning activities, to find out the attitudes of students after perceiving the value of Patriotism and Nationalism through Civics Teaching in daily activities at school, to find out the obstacles and efforts of teachers in instilling the value of Nationalism and Patriotism to students. The research process was conducted using a qualitative study whose research location was at SMA Negeri Ketanggungan, Brebes. The focus of the research is the planning, implementation and evaluation of instilling the values of Nationalism and Patriotism in students as well as the obstacles that appear in the process of instilling the values of Nationalism and Patriotism to students at SMA Negeri 1 Ketanggungan, Brebes with the number of informants 36 students of class XII MIPA 4 and teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Ketanggungan, Brebes. Conclusion, the importance of character education through Civics learning to improve the attitude of Nationalism and Patriotism of Students at SMA Negeri 1 Ketanggungan, Brebes.

