Norms that Apply in Indonesia Along with Political Literacy and Political Culture


  • Ardhin Prasetyo Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Mohammad Muchtarom Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Rusnaini Universitas Sebelas Maret

Kata Kunci:

Political, Culture, Norms


This study aims to analyze the dynamics of social change and the development of social resilience in the digital era. The development of digital technology has a significant impact on social structures, interaction patterns, and norms in society. Through a qualitative approach, and using data collection methods, namely literature studies, this study identifies the main challenges faced in building social resilience and evaluates the role of social media and information technology in improving social resilience. This study reveals that digitalization not only accelerates social change but also opens up new opportunities to strengthen social networks and community solidarity. However, there are also emerging threats, such as the digital divide and privacy risks that can hinder the development of social resilience. This study formulates effective strategies that can be solutions for all levels of society to overcome these challenges.

