Case Study: Civics Textbooks in Developing Critical Thinking of Elementary School Students in Sukoharjo Regency


  • Kumala Berlianisa Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Winarno Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Fadhil Purnama Adi Universitas Sebelas Maret

Kata Kunci:

civic text book, critical thinking, elementary school student


Critical thinking or critical thinking as one of the skills recommended to be embedded in 21st-century learning is a person's skill to be able to analyze information objectively and logically. Critical thinking skills in Citizenship Education aim to make students able to analyze the information they obtain objectively and logically so that they can shape themselves into good and responsible citizens. This research aims to find out how Citizenship Education textbooks should be able to facilitate students to develop critical thinking skills in elementary school students in Sukoharjo Regency. The method used in this research is qualitative. The results of the research show that the civic textbook invites students to analyze real cases that are presented and connect them with previous knowledge or experience so that a solution to the problem can be achieved. With this, the civic textbook has also been able to facilitate the implementation of a variety of learning approaches, models, methods, and strategies. civics textbooks can make a big contribution to developing critical thinking skills if they are presented in an interesting, structured, and relevant way to current developments.

