Digital Talent of Banking: Need Analysist of Development, Security and Operational (DevSecOps) by Bootcamp Approach
Kata Kunci:
digital talent, banking, devsecops, bootcampAbstrak
Software development has undergone a tremendous evolution throughout the last few decades. From its beginnings as a simple programme in a mainframe environment, software has evolved into a highly complex ecosystem that runs on a network. At the same time, the expectations of users have continued to evolve. Today they are dominated by the digital generation who grew up and developed in the era of digital technology, characterised by the widespread use of computer technology and the internet. This research aims to analyse the needs of banking institutions in developing digital talent through devsecops. Development, Security and Operational (DevSecOps) as a concept that focuses on security in every stage of software development, ensuring that security is not only the responsibility of the security team, but also an integral part of the development culture. This research uses a qualitative approach. Interviews were conducted at ASK Learning to trainees. The results showed that the importance of training in the context of DevSecOps is strongly felt by many companies that apply this approach. The current training is still focused on each specific field such as Programming. Bootcamp is an alternative training method that is suitable for fields that require increased skills and are carried out in a short time