Fostering Noble Character through Blended Learning : Insight from Pancasila Education at SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar
The character education is an important aspect in developing the affective domain, especially for the next generation of the nation. This article aims to describe the implementation of blended learning as a method for strengthening character education in Pancasila Education learning. The writing of this article uses a conceptual analysis approach that is described qualitatively, aiming to produce a clearer and more meaningful picture construction. The results of the literature review show that character education can be strengthened through the learning process, especially through the blended learning approach in Pancasila Education. The independence and discipline of students in this learning model are closely related to their habits of being actively involved and being part of strengthening character. In addition, the intensity of students in participating in blended learning activities is influenced by factors such as honesty, responsibility, concern, and respectful communication in online and face-to-face interactions. These findings emphasize the importance of integrating character education into the curriculum through an innovative and adaptive approach to forming a generation with integrity.