The Role of Pancasila Education as a Basis for the Formation of Student Ethics and Morals in the Era of Globalization: a Case Study of UNS Students


  • Wasilatur Rochmah Sebelas Maret University
  • Triyanto Sebelas Maret University


This research aims For understand the role of Pancasila Education in to form ethics and morals of Sebelas Maret University (UNS) students in the midst of the era of globalization which is full of challenges . Through approach qualitatively , this research explores perception and experience student about values ethics and morals taught in Pancasila Education, as well as its influence to character them . The method used covering studies library For build runway theoretical and interview deep with students who have follow eye Pancasila Education lecture . Findings study show that Pancasila Education plays a role significant in to form awareness ethical students . Pancasila education also plays a role in strengthen morality based on nationalism , humanity , and inclusiveness . This study concludes that Pancasila Education, as an integral part of education character , play vital role in to form generation young people who are ethical , moral and have integrity tall .

